Saturday, April 5, 2008

Thalia assumes his new figure

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Five months after giving birth to her daughter Sabrina Sakäe, the singer looks spectacular

Thalia reappear on the red carpet wearing more beautiful than ever and showcased an enviable figure. The occasion was the celebration of the first anniversary of his radio program Connection Thalia, in New York. The Mexican 35-year-old arrived with a tight pants waist high and wide leg in black, which highlighted her flat stomach and was accompanied by a shirt stamped with Japanese reasons.

After leaving medium-mouthed world, the artist talked about his experience as a mother and her baby at 5 months. "These have been the happiest months of my entire life. [Sabrina Sakäe] is beautiful, huge and very healthy, thank God. It seems a baby a year and only played five months, it is very cheerful, stands always with a smile, "he said.

Regarding how did to regain its shape, pointed out that the singer has focused on healthy eating. "I have not done anything of exercise, I have taken very relaxed eating in a healthy way, and busy walking back and forth with my daughter," she explained.



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