Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Thalia was mother of a girl

Thalia habría dado a luz a una niña el viernes pasado.

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The Mexican singer gave to light a baby, fruit of his union with the industralist Tommy Mottola. According to he extended, the doctors practiced a Caesarean one to him
The daughter would already have been born of the Mexican singer Thalia. Although an official confirmation was not published on the matter, everything indicates that it drinks it already would be with his mother and her father, the industralist Tommy Mottola.

The past 29 of September the artist could not attend his program of radio Thalia Connection, that leaves all Saturdays by ABC Radio, and that untied the rumor that she already has her daughter in her arms.

Although her sister Ernestina Sodi denied the birth of her sobrinita, a person next to the family indicated that Thalia was put under a Caesarean one.

Another gadget that circulates is that the doctor who attends it said to him that if did not enter work of childbirth until the 30 of September, would practice a Caesarean one to him to but taking Tuesday 2 of October, day of the birthday of Doña Yole, mother of the singer.



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